Upload Proxmox to a new drive with a larger system partition size

I recently changed the disk to a new larger one in my server, a problem arose, namely after cloning the disk, the partition in Proxmox did not expand.

Using the tutorials on YT:
(6) Resizing/Extending Logical Volumes (LVM) in Proxmox - YouTube


(6) Delete Local LVM and resize storage in Proxmox - YouTube

But not a single one of them satisfied me because I did not want to lose data.

I solved it as follows:

  1. Clone partitions to a new drive using aomei partition master or Macrium Reflect on windows
  2. Extend partition with new free space: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbZsrXoNZXI
  3. in the proxmox shell: pvresize /dev/sda3
  4. check: vgdisplay
  5. Changing the size of virtual disks, you can only expand, so for a test I do not recommend all at once to do:
    in part: lvextend -L+10G pve/data
    in part: lvextend -L+10G /dev/pve/root

Additional information can be found at these links, which I also used:

[SOLVED] - Reduce local and Increase local-lvm Disk size? | Proxmox Support Forum

Resize local or local-lvm (and how?) | Proxmox Support Forum

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